The Super Colibri fires without a powder charge. It pushes a light 20-grain bullet at 500 fps with little noise. Will Rifle Range Test of Aguila .22 Super Colibri Powderless .22 Long. Part 2 of my video review of Aguila .22 Super Colibri powderless .22 long rifle ammunition. Be sure to check out Part 1 here Aguila Super Colibri Armmunition has no powder, relying on only the primer to propel the bullet down the bore. The result is an extremely quiet rimfire round, perfect. Most .22 long rifle (LR) ammunition is supersonic, which creates a loud crack as the bullet breaks the sound barrier and can result in scaring game or. Review of Aguila .22 Super Colibri Powderless .22 Long Rifle. While sighting in and dealing with scope issues on the Marlin 780 in the last post, I tried out some Aguila Super Colibri.22 Long Rifle ammunition.
Aguila .22 LR Super Colibri, Rifle Ammunition, Ammunition.
Carteach0: Aguila .22 Super Colibri ammunition
Aguila Super Colibri Ammo 22 Long Rifle 20 Grain Lead Solid Point
Introduction for my video series on Aguila .22 "Super Colibri" powderless .22 long rifle ammunition. Part 2 here:
Review – Aguila Super Colibri .22 Subsonic Ammo « Suburban.
aguila super colibri .22 ammo for rifles Aguila Ammunition aguila colibri quiet ammunition .22 - TheGunSource